My favourite Hollywood screw-up Lindsay Lohan is out of rehab! Hooray! Now she can get serious about her career right? And really buckle down to making some great supportive sober friends right?
She got straight back to partying, going out on Thursday, Friday and Sunday (the above photo is from Sunday when she was in LAX, which you may recall is the nightclub owned by Nicole Richie's ex and Mandy Moore's current, DJ AM...you may also recognise Nikki Reed in the photo, she was the really bad girl in the movie Thirteen who co-wrote the script, as well as the infinitely annoying Sadie on the last season of the OC).
Now...I feel somewhat hypocritical talking shizz about this because I myself had quite a boozy week last week. However. I say "somewhat" because I am not just out of rehab, and doesn't everyone know the first step to staying clean is staying out of the clubs for a couple of weeks? Unless she has the most incredible willpower of all time I fear this gal is going to continue her downward spiral...although she clearly has yet to reach Britneyesque proportions. PLEASE LINDSAY - WATCH BRITNEY AND LEARN FROM HER MISTAKES!
1 comment:
the difference is that you "work" to earn money and going out is a bonus.
to them....well what else CAN they do?
lindsay at least still looks cute!
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