I hate that this is my first post of the day. Britney...out and about. Done with Rehab as far as she is concerned. I really really hope she manages to turn things around for herself.
Here is People's take on things:

Federline has no plans to use the current situation against his soon-to-be ex, says a pal: "It's not about getting the kids away from Britney. He's just worried about making sure he can see them."
Indeed, a source says that days before Spears shaved her head at Esther's Haircutting Studio in Tarzana, Calif., Federline had urged her to seek treatment.
"Kevin wanted her to get help so she could be a good mother for their kids and not end up dead," says his friend. "He just couldn't take it anymore. He was desperate for her to get help."
And here is who People identify as Britney's support system:
As a youngster, Spears had "a terrific relationship" with her mom, says former agent Nancy Carson. But a relative says: "Britney and Lynne have had some problems lately and they weren't speaking for a while." Now, though, they're talking again.
Spears's little sister cried when she heard about the singer's meltdown over the weekend, says a friend. The two are tight; Spears calls Jamie Lynn, 15, frequently.
Spears's dad has had his own battles with alcohol. A family member in Louisiana says Spears doesn't always stop by his home to say hello when she's in town, but Sunday night before she entered rehab, the two dined together and had "a heavy conversation."
The two spoke by phone just before Valentine's Day, and he canceled plans to go to Las Vegas last weekend "to physically be in L.A. if Britney or the kids needed him," says a friend.
Her longtime manager parted ways with her after she wed Federline, then returned and orchestrated her well-received behavior when she filed for divorce. He helped with the intervention that led to rehab.
Hmm...her "well-received behavior"? That must have been before she started hanging out with Paris and showing her Flange to the world. And its funny they mention Jamie-Lynn, my 9 year old sister wearily said to me yesterday..."Poor Zoey 101 having a sister like that..." And she's bloody right!
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