Friday, February 02, 2007

Katie comes out of hibernation.

Katie Holmes has done an interview with Harper's Bazaar. Here is the most interesting quote...and its not even interesting.

"I have a husband and children that I adore. I have a career that I really love. When I sit back and reflect, it's-wow! I am very grateful," she tells the magazine. "Tom makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and has since the day I met him. I love being with him. I love calling him 'husband.'"


Someone remind me of how her career was going pre-Tom? Am I right in thinking it was almost non-existant? Hmm. Just wondering. And was she ever interesting? I didn't think so. Would she ever have been interviewed by Harper's Bazaar? Nope. Hmm. I wonder what would have motivated her to get with Tom Cruise. And I wonder how it feels to know that people are only interested in you because of your husband. Pretty soul destroying I would have thought...

Apparently Posh styled her for the shoot - you can see more of the photos at

1 comment:

me said...

children? as in plural?

is there summat i am missing?

shame. she used to be cute. now just brainwashed i reckon!