Gareth who you ask? Why Gareth Gates! Remember him? They guy Simon Cowell swore was going to be a star? No? Nothing? Thats ok...I barely remember him either.
Anyway, his comeback is being much lauded. Apparently, his stammer is gone, he plays football, and he likes a few pints. Get it?? He's just like you and me!
He has spent the past few months writing and recording songs in the studio...wait for it...with a band!
He says: “What happened with my first two albums is that I arrived at the studio, walked into the booth, was told what to sing and left an hour later.
“That was my only input on the records I made. But with this one I’ve had the freedom to be able to play guitar and piano on it. It’s much more about me.”
I always think its really risky when you are a manufactured pop performer to complain about the way you were bossed around for your first album and boast about how your new album is all you. Because even the minimal success of your early stuff is probably not going to be equalled by the "all you" record.
I'm totally willing to eat humble pie on this if it turns out to be great - but...well...I doubt it.
This is his 3rd album. The first two were great, and he wrote a number of songs on album number 2 but this time he gets proper input and has written most of it himself. That's good. And its good that that is what he wants, rather than being the 'puppet' that he was so much derided for in the media.
I wish him every success. he seems like a lovely, talented lad.
Thanks for the correction on the number of albums, and as I said - I am totally willing to be proven wrong! :)
I am totally willing to be proven wrong! :)
does that include where you imply that he has any descerning talent too?
HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE...you get my drift!
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