Jason "Dickface" Wahler is going to jail. Like actual jail. People magazine reports:
In September 2006, Wahler was traveling in a car with friends when their vehicle was blocked by a tow truck attempting to move an illegally parked car.
Wahler, whose blood alcohol level was .22 percent at the time, got out of the car and punched one of two tow truck drivers and one city employee, authorities said.
One of Wahler's companions also allegedly kicked one of the drivers and spit in his face.
According to prosecutors, Wahler, 20, used racial slurs during the altercation. Wahler is white. Two of the victims are African-American.
Dickface pleaded no contest, and has also been given a day at the "Museum of Tolerance", which amuses me. Now don't get me wrong, having looked into this I reckon the Museum of Tolerance sounds like a pretty good place, but its just so American to firstly have a museum called the Museum of Tolerance, and secondly, to be able to sentence someone to spend the day there! Hilarious. Find out more about it here.
I dont know who this is. Nor do i care. I've seen his face everywhere I go for the past three days. But good GOD his mugshot is HOTTER than hell. And he's only like 20? The bastard.
He's SO gonna be the best Jail Bitch EVER. Phwwooorr.
I have no idea who Jason Wahler is (actor,singer?), but I like the mugshot name "Dickface", which suits anyone in his predicament. Loser.
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