Holy Moly is full of beans this week, the fearless site has this story about Kirsten Dunst:
Picture the scene: it's the inevitable coke-by-the-bucketful post-Oscars party, when out of the powder room stumbles Kirsten Dunst with more dust flying around her head than a bug in a Dyson, her hair a tangled mess plastered across her drug sweat-oozing forehead. "What were you doing in there?" asks the party's host. The best Dunst, a gerbil with cocktail umbrellas for tits, can manage? "Erm..."
All of which gives credence to the real reason she and Jake Gyllenhaal split: it was because of her drug hoofing and not the other way round, as her publicist would like you to think. It also makes this holier-than-thou quote from Dunst even more ridiculous than it already is: "I've never come across cocaine on a film set... I'm very naive about that. I don't smoke and I've only tried pot once in my life. I do everything in moderation. I drink, but I don't go out and get plastered. I deal with my problems, so I don't have vices over which I have no control."
Also spotted at the same party were Paris Hilton, queuing for the bog and looking absolutely battered, and Rachel Stevens, looking bored and a bit like a fat Felicity Kendal; only made of suet and with raisins for eyes.
1 comment:
kirsten dunst does the old bolivian marching powder eh?
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