This BS makes me want to vomit.
Garrison Keillor who was host of the real life Prairie Home Companion as well as writing the script and appearing as himself in the film has a column which is syndicated on salon.com. In the movie he's a bit of a dumbass but a fairly likeable character.
In real life he is has his head stuck up his hole it turns out.
He writes:
The country has come to accept stereotypical gay men -- sardonic fellows with fussy hair who live in over-decorated apartments with a striped sofa and a small weird dog and who worship campy performers and go in for flamboyance now and then themselves. If they want to be accepted as couples and daddies, however, the flamboyance may have to be brought under control. Parents are supposed to stand in back and not wear chartreuse pants and black polka-dot shirts. That's for the kids. It's their show.
Under the old monogamous system, we didn't have the problem of apportioning Thanksgiving and Christmas among your mother and stepdad, your dad and his third wife, your mother-in-law and her boyfriend Hal, and your father-in-law and his boyfriend Chuck. Today, serial monogamy has stretched the extended family to the breaking point. A child can now grow up with eight or nine or 10 grandparents -- Gampa, Gammy, Goopa, Gumby, Papa, Poopsy, Goofy, Gaga and Chuck -- and need a program to keep track of the actors.
And now gay marriage will produce a whole new string of hyphenated relatives. In addition to the ex-stepson and ex-in-laws and your wife's first husband's second wife, there now will be Bruce and Kevin's in-laws and Bruce's ex, Mark, and Mark's current partner, and I suppose we'll get used to it.
Em. He clearly researched this article by watching a few episodes of Queer Eye and Priscilla Queen of the Desert. First of all, I know PLENTY of straight obnoxious mothers who "wear chartreuse pants and black polka-dot shirts" and embarrass their children by being loud and obnoxious. And I know plenty of straight obnoxious fathers who shout and scream at the side of a soccer pitch and aren't capable of showing their children any love. And I know plenty of gay men and women who you couldn't pick out on the street (not that that in any way makes them a better potential parent than someone wearing an out and proud t-shirt). Parents clothing and dog ownership and flamboyance have absolutely nothing to do with their ability to love and cherish a child and raise them to become happy and secure human beings. People like Garrison who preach based on ignorance should not be allowed to write in the public domain. Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as they can back it up but this simply has no foundation.
Incidentally I've decided to start a "Homophobes I don't like at ALL" list here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to send them my way.
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