Here we go, week two of the X Factor and Im going to blog as I watch. We'll see how it goes.
Super camp Warren with bad hair and a bad voice and bad dancing-says hes got something in him. I'd say he bloody does! Or wants to at the very least. Anyway, hes rubbish, its clearly no, but Sharon says yes. Shes such a bitch for doing that! She says yes to people she knows aren't going through just to be a pain in Simon's ass. I love it.
Afro haired guy singing Stevie Wonder arrives. Niiice. Great hair, pretty hot, sounded like Billie Holiday or Morrissey. He'll be in the final ten.
Opera girl, great voice-needs a noise job and some tweezers. Only 14???? Hey-zeus!! She just wanted Simon to hear her voice! Oh I take the nose job/tweezers comments back! Amazing voice for 14! Charlotte Church better watch out. You could actually see the wheels turning in Simon's head and the dollar signs twinkling in his eyes as she walked out of the room.
And from a 14 year old to a 74 year old- lovely Dot who I'd say has done a party piece at every family gathering since 1950, wasn't at all bothered when she didn't go through, cause she had her holidays booked to Turkey! Love it, wish the younger people would take a page out of her book. The histrionics are so tiresome...although I have to say they are entertaining.
Then theres young Raymond a precocious 17 year old Liverpudlian singing Dean Martin. I am so so so sick of this whole "young guy singing old songs" thing. It been done time and time again. Anyway, he went through. Shocking.
Ich. I hate groups. They are all so feckin' cheesy. This one is 4 lovely black guys and theres no denying that they're good, and they harmonise amazingly. Anyway, they went through. As did loads of other ones. Meh.
Next comes poor Kylie, a young girl who can only be described as highly unattractive. And her mother has deluded her that she has star quality. That is the highest form of cruelty. The girl is just deluded.
JAYSIS. Louis just let a girl through because she runs a fansite for him! With a whopping 45 members! FORTY FIVE! Its been running a year!!!! Hilarious. Shes not a looker...and she cant really sing. But it was worth it for the comedy.
Here comes the Kelly Pickler (American Idol) of this season's X Factor-his dad has gone down the wrong path and is sleeping rough. He has an average voice and is in dire need of a haircut but people will sympathise with him so he'll do well. But he won't win.
Ah. Now I've had my first teary eyed experience of the x factor, lovely girl singing From a Distance, Has had a bit of a tough time. She sounds good, not amazing, but good enough. Sharon says yes. Louis says no. Simon say yes and her fifty billion family and friends go MAAAAAD!!!! I love that, seeing a big group of people loving and supporting an individual. Hooray! Good way to end it.
The judges let through a good few average people.
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