Every religious person in Rome is pissed off with Madonna over her crown of thorns/crucifix routine it would seem.
Father Manfredo Leone of Rome's Santa Maria Liberatice church told Reuters that the pop star's latest shock shtick, namely being suspended on a 20-foot mirrored cross while donning a crown of fake thorns, "is disrespectful, in bad taste and provocative."
"Being raised on a cross with a crown of thorns like a modern Christ is absurd," Leone said. "Doing it in the cradle of Christianity comes close to blasphemy."
"I think her idea is in the worst taste and she'd do better to go home," Mario Scialoja, the head of Italy's Muslim League told the news service.
Riccardo Pacifici, the spokesman of the Roman Jewish community, agreed, telling Reuters that Madonna should pull the offending routine from the Rome show.
But the singer's publicist, Liz Rosenberg, pooh-poohed the complaints. "Madonna does not think Jesus would be mad at her, as his teaching of loving thy neighbor and tolerance is Madonna's message as well," Rosenberg said in a statement. "The context of Madonna's performance on the crucifix is not negative nor disrespectful toward the church."
I tell ya...those religious people are so easily offended. Surely God has better things to worry about?
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