Theres the reported OD (pictures old, story new):

In a blockbuster world exclusive story, The ENQUIRER has learned that an out-of-control Lindsay Lohan overdosed on a deadly cocktail of cocaine and painkillers on Nov. 12.
A doctor raced to Hollywood's Chateau Marmont after a friend of the 20-year-old actress found her unconscious in a drug-filled hotel room.
Although the doctor was able to revive the hard-partying star, he was horrified to discover a "stash of cocaine and a pile of prescription drugs" in the room, an insider told The ENQUIRER exclusively.
The doctor flushed the cocaine down the toilet and bagged up seven different prescription drugs, according to the insider.
"The doctor insisted, 'This girl had a serious drug overdose. She has to go into a hospital and then into rehab.'"
Lindsay refused to be treated at a hospital or enter rehab.
A doctor raced to Hollywood's Chateau Marmont after a friend of the 20-year-old actress found her unconscious in a drug-filled hotel room.
Although the doctor was able to revive the hard-partying star, he was horrified to discover a "stash of cocaine and a pile of prescription drugs" in the room, an insider told The ENQUIRER exclusively.
The doctor flushed the cocaine down the toilet and bagged up seven different prescription drugs, according to the insider.
"The doctor insisted, 'This girl had a serious drug overdose. She has to go into a hospital and then into rehab.'"
Lindsay refused to be treated at a hospital or enter rehab.
Not sure how much of this I believe but if it is true its pretty sad. I doubt very much that Lindsay has managed to avoid drugs, but I hope its not too out of control
THEN theres the crrrrazy Robert Altman condolence letter:
"I would like to send my condolences out to Catherine Altman, Robert Altmans wife, as well as all of his immediate family, close friends, co-workers, and all of his inner circle.
"I feel as if I've just had the wind knocked out of me and my heart aches.
"If not only my heart but the heart of Mr. Altman's wife and family and many fellow actors/artists that admire him for his work and love him for making people laugh whenever and however he could..
"Robert altman made dreams possible for many independent aspiring filmmakers, as well as creating roles for countless actors.
"I am lucky enough to of been able to work with Robert Altman amongst the other greats on a film that I can genuinely say created a turning point in my career.
"I learned so much from Altman and he was the closest thing to my father and grandfather that I really do believe I've had in several years.
"The point is, he made a difference.
"He left us with a legend that all of us have the ability to do.
"So every day when you wake up.
"Look in the mirror and thank god for every second you have and cherish all moments.
"The fighting, the anger, the drama is tedious.
"Please just take each moment day by day and consider yourself lucky to breathe and feel at all and smile. Be thankful.
"Life comes once, doesn't 'keep coming back' and we all take such advantage of what we have.
"When we shouldn't..... '
"Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourselves' (12st book) -everytime there's a triumph in the world a million souls hafta be trampled on.-altman Its true. But treasure each triumph as they come.
"If I can do anything for those who are in a very hard time right now, as I'm one of them with hearing this news, please take advantage of the fact that I'm just a phone call away.
God Bless, peace and love always.
Thank You,
Lindsay Lohan First of all there are the typos and complete lack of any grammatical sense. That in itself offends my sensitivities. But then theres the quoting of the twelve steps...and the kind of, melodrama I guess. Like, a simple "My thoughts are with his family, this truly is a tragic loss" would have been sufficient!!!!
AND FINALLY, theres the tramping around London with Calum Best. Who hasn't had Calum Best? Nothing against the guy but every c-lister worth their salt in London has been there. Lindsay, there is so much better out there for you! (Having said that, there is no question that the guy is pretty hot):

I just don't know. Is there any hope? The Britney turnaround leads me to believe there is... One can only hope!
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