I am so amused by the hoopla being caused by Kelly Osbourne's pretend wedding over the weekend at Electric Picnic! There was a lovely bouncy castle style "Chapel of Love" at the festival (which was amazing, more of that later), where pretend nuptials were performed. Miss O got in there with her boyf and got their certificate of love, and it would seem that Sharon O and the rest of the media had a heart attack! HA! Incidentally, I actually saw Kelly over the weekend and a friend of mine was chatting to her-all reports are very positive. She looks great (tiny!), and was really friendly and cheery. Hooray for Kelly!
Anyway, on to the Picnic. Wow, it was amazing. Roll on next year. The vibe was so positive, great music, great food, great comedy, great everything. i'd highly recommend it!
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