Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Oprah: not an equal opportunities employer?

Oprah's new effort in radio has been all over the place over the last couple of days, but this is the first time I've read something interesting.

According to TMZ.com Oprah's first interview was with her besty Gail King:

Among many, many other things, Oprah talked about her humble beginnings in Mississippi, and particularly about how her mother's highest aspiration for her was that she might end up cleaning white people's houses, because "they give away nice clothes." And then Oprah pointed out that now that she's Oprah, she has "all these white people" working for her, and that in fact there's only one black person on the staff.

Eh...what? Don't get me wrong, I love Oprah, but surely she should be endeavouring to ensure that what are undoubtedly excellent well-paid jobs are going to minorities as well as white people? Why is she proud to only have one black person working for her? Share the wealth you fool! I'm sure some black girl out there who is desperate to get a job in media is weeping over her keyboard after hearing that.


Ashlee has done her first night in Chicago.

The only thing worse than her being terrible would be her being good. And by all accounts she was.


HA! Heather McCartney can't even go to SAINSBURYS!!!!

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Apparently, Heather Mills McCartney was recently chucked out of a Sainsbury's in the area she grew up in because she had been barred as a teenager due to shoplifting.

According to The Evening Herald, one shopper explained:

A woman worker went up to Heather and stopped her going in. She said: 'Excuse me, Heather, you know you're not allowed in there, you know the situation." HA!

Heather apparently replied: "For Christ's sake, that was years ago. Do you honestly think I'm going to shoplift now? I've moved on from there."

However, the woman stuck to her guns and yer wan was forced to leave with her tail stuck between her legs. HIL-AR-I-OUS.

Kate and Pete are in Dublin.

Kind of feel like I have to write something because they're here. I am happy that Pete is out of the Priory, I just reeeeally hope he manages to stay clean. I'm not the biggest Kate Moss fan but they're obviously mad about each other (the way she looks at him in the picture above! So cute.) so I hope they can make each other happy and healthy. Wonder what the story is with Pete's black eye??

Mr JT - how have we survived without your hotness?

I really don't know how we waited so long for Justin to get back in the spotlight, I'm totally obsessed with the album and all the hot pictures around don't do him any damage either.

Here are some goooorgeous photos from Bon magazine:

Monday, September 25, 2006

Linday's dad writes an open letter to the Sun-make of it what you will.

"Dear Lindsay,

It pains me to have to write to you like this, but it's evident that my letters never reach you. My messages never get to you and 'people' continue to build walls between us.

I can't even begin to tell you how very sorry I am for causing you (and our family) the heartache and embarrassment I have.

I hold you absolutely blameless for all that's been said and portrayed, as I know it has been under the advice of others, to sway both the courts and public opinion.

I also know the pain that comes with love, especially when two hearts and lives are divided. Sometimes we run - we seek to hide or just escape from the pain.

In the meantime, people are either whispering in our ear, giving self-serving advice, or out to protect their own interests.

Unfortunately sweetheart, while you are so talented and blessed you have become their interest! As I told you all along, this would happen.

You are an amazingly blessed, talented, intelligent and loving person. Use it to do good! To set an example by putting God and his principles first. Your love for life and people is a gift.

I trust you, I believe in you and I will love and protect you until my dying breath, and if that's what it takes so be it!"

Please know how much I miss all of you. Stay strong my Angel! God bless you and stay strong!

Things do happen for a reason Linds - God's reasons. Reasons I will never question ever again in my life.

They've taught me more about myself, others and how important God is in our life, than you'd ever imagine! God, Linds! The one that blessed you, made your name famous and wants you to use your blessing to bless others."


A quote from Jack Osbourne:

"Kate Moss and I are good friends, and have been for the last three years or so. We hang out now and then but there was never really any more to it than that. I was invited to celebrate her birthday at a club in Los Angeles called Teddies in January, so of course I went. As the evening progressed I found myself on the dancefloor with Kate. One thing led to another, and before I knew it we were kissing. It was a bit of an epic moment for me - there had been plenty of women before that, but this would be a feather in the cap of any young man and I enjoyed it as much as anybody else would as my friends looked on in amusement, astonishment and perhaps a little envy!"

My initial reaction is: In your dreams Osbourne, you may look better but you don't look that good!

However: I once encountered someone who worked in fashion PR for years, and she told me that Miss Moss was not at all selective about who she dropped her pants for. Hmm...what do you reckon?

I want to BE Drew Barrymore.

So pretty. So kind. So fun. So rich. So successful. So in love. Anyone have a soul transferral machine? Anyone?

Jessica loves her Cock

Jessica Simpson has taken to wearing a rooster around her neck:

"This is my c**k! This is about as raunchy as I get these days. "I don't have a c**k at the moment, so I wear one around my neck. I found this when I was antiquing. "I saw it and said to myself, I've found my c**k! I've found my man!"


What the hell? Seriously, what was she thinking? Oh and also, she's only 21! I was reminded of this recently and nearly choked on the chicken satay I was eating. Seriously, why does she insist on dressing like she's 35? Only someone desperately trying to look young and hip would wear something as gak as that jumpsuit.

Janet plays the Justin card...

Well I'm already sick of Janet Jackson and her first single from the new album hasn't even failed yet. She's still talking about the "accident" at the Superbowl, and now she's saying that she doesn't speak to Justin Timberlake because he "failed to stick up for her after the incident".

Oh please Janet. Lets be honest. Your album is crap, the first single is failing despite having dragged Nelly into it in the hopes that maybe HIS fans would buy it, and now you need some publicity. Oh wait, who has the hottest album at the moment? Who is one of the most written about people? I know! Justin Timberlake!


Britain's Next Top ANNOYING GIRL!

Grr. I am so not impressed with Britain's Next Top Model- while I didn't think Abi Clancy was the best model on the show (although she is super gorgeous) I CERTAINLY didn't think Lianna was. The judges bought into all her crap, eg the final photo shoot when she was crying because it was terrible and the judges thought she had just gotten emotional because she felt beautiful and got caught in the moment!?!?!? This is ludicrous.

In truth though, I don't really think its too important who won. I've seen Abi in papers all over the place and she's certainly the star of the show.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Britney baby one more time.

Well, Brit Brit's baby has a name, and its Sutton Pierce Federline, another SPF. I kind of like it. Sutton. I just hope she actually calls him Sutton and not Sutton Pierce all the time, I hate the way SPF 1 is always called Sean Preston. Why can't he just be sean? Do any of the rest of us insist on being called both our first and our middle names? No. I didn't think so.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ok Ok they're gorgeous kids.

Here are some close-ups of Shiloh Nouvel and Zaharah. They really are gorgeous. If only they didn't have philanderers for parents.

I'd like to lose a bit of weight, but this is ridiculous!


Its official. Shes going to be Roxie in the West End. I'm totally torn between wanting to put my head under my pillow and stay there in order to avoid hearing another word about it, and going to London to see it out of morbid curiosity (kind of like when you drive by a dead animal...you don't want to see it, but you can't not look!) The thing is, if I go, its possible that my biggest fear will come true...I'll like it.

Jaysis. The thought of it send shivers down my spine.

Jennifer Aniston is People's Best Dressed.

Ok. Yes. Her clothes are nice, but they're also BORING. I'd love to see her actually wear a colour. She always looks great, but thats because she never takes any risks! I wish they would give it to someone a little more exciting.


Anyone else think Sarah Michelle is channeling SJP in this outfit? Think its the hair...

Why God Why???

Now. If you are someone who has read this blog for a while, you'll know that I was very sad to hear about Travis Barker's marriage breaking up.

Very sad.

So you can imagine how upset I am about the fame sucking leech Paris Hilton latching on to him.

Boo. I have to say that recently my dislike for Paris Hilton has grown more and more intense. Why would Travis do this? BOOOOOOOO.

Anyway. Here's a vid-jo of what TMZ.com claims to be the two of them sucking face. However, Paris denies it.

She says: "I did not make out with Travis Barker.

I was with his friend Alex, who I met that night. It's nothing serious.

He looks like Travis, he has tattoos all over his arms, and he has a Mohawk. People must have confused him with Travis."

You should be so lucky Paris!!!! YOU SHOULD BE SO LUCKY!!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Posh is getting a hard time...

Poor auld Posh is getting an awful hard time over these outfits, all of which she wore over the course of one day. I say, if you've got it, flaunt it-and she certainly has the clothes. I think she looks great.

Poor poor Anna Nicole.

There are many things that can be said about Anna Nicole Smith, but I don't think shes a bad person, and I re-heaaaly feel for her at the moment.

A statement on her website reads:

"On Sept. 7 Anna Nicole gave birth to a healthy 6 lb., 9 oz. baby girl. Her son Daniel was in the Bahamas with her to share in the joy of his baby sister when he passed away suddenly on the morning of Sept. 10.

"We have yet to learn the cause of death but do not believe that drugs or alcohol were a factor. Anna Nicole is absolutely devastated by the loss of her son. He was her pride and joy and an amazing human being. Please do not make any press inquiries at this time so that Anna Nicole can grieve in peace."

I can't imagine how difficult that would be. From watching her show, it was clear that she really loved Daniel and I'm sure the conflict of the joy of the birth of a baby girl and the grief at the loss of her son must be a lot to take.

The latest on his death is that it was not natural but they are still not being clear about what the cause was although they say there was no evidence of external injury. Apparently Anna Nicole saw him sitting in a chair where he seemed to be sound asleep, she then tried to wake him only to find he was unresponsive.

This whole thing is so so sad. I really feel for her.

The Spawn of Spederline!

Its official, bumpkin number 2 has been born and its another baby boy.

I'm really happy about this, maybe now Brit Brit will get back to washing and brushing her hair. I'm all for women being able to relax now and then but I miss the clean, pretty Britney!


Much as I hate his home-wrecking mother, these pictures of Maddox are sooooo cute. I love the way he is so tiny that his big socks and shin guards and long shorts completely cover his legs-not a scrap of skin in sight!

BTW, where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that Billy Bob was getting jealous because Angie was spending time with another guy-her son! Billy Bob really is a dick. I wish they'd stayed together. They deserve each other. Anyhoo I digress. Back to Maddox. He really is the cutest kid...in fact, I would quite like to clone him so that I could have a Maddox twin as my child. Note to self: Brush up on cellular biology...

i'm baaack!

Eep. Just realised how long it is since I posted...sorry about that. I've started a new job and it TOTALLY screwed with my schedule and routine-but I'm going to do my damndest to get back on track-starting with this. OH HOLY JESUS.

I can't even bear to post the actual picture, so this will have to suffice as illustration for this story.

That poor little monkey. I know just how she feels! While I clearly am not one who asks people to spare details, this picture shows waaaay more than I want to see. I really didn't need photo evidence that the "firecrotch" remarks were off-base. Jeesh. Put it away Lindsay.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Paris gets the Bansky Treatment.

UK graffiti artist Bansky gave around 500 of Paris Hilton's albums his treatment many of which were sold to fans. I quite like the changes-what do you think?

Tee hee!

I am so amused by the hoopla being caused by Kelly Osbourne's pretend wedding over the weekend at Electric Picnic! There was a lovely bouncy castle style "Chapel of Love" at the festival (which was amazing, more of that later), where pretend nuptials were performed. Miss O got in there with her boyf and got their certificate of love, and it would seem that Sharon O and the rest of the media had a heart attack! HA! Incidentally, I actually saw Kelly over the weekend and a friend of mine was chatting to her-all reports are very positive. She looks great (tiny!), and was really friendly and cheery. Hooray for Kelly!

Anyway, on to the Picnic. Wow, it was amazing. Roll on next year. The vibe was so positive, great music, great food, great comedy, great everything. i'd highly recommend it!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Jessica Simpson on the Today Show.

Eep. At least we know she sings live!
Kevin Federline: Lose Control Official Music Video

Poor K-Fed. He's trying so hard.

Steve Irwin RIP.

Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter has died while filming underwater off the coast of Australia. Steve was 44 and was filming a series called "Ocean's Deadliest" when he swam too close to a stingray, which have a poisonous bard on their tails.

His friend and collegue John Stanton was on board Steve's boat the Croc One and said "He came on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart."

This is so sad. Steve leaves behind him his wife and two kids and who knows how many crocodiles. I really wish them the very best.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Some VMA pix.

There you have it, some pics from the night-won't be home to watch it tonight as am heading off to Electic Picnic v. shortly-its all very exciting! Let me know what you though if you catch it-looks like Fergie and Little Miss Sunshine boogied on down. So cute. Can't wait to see that movie! Anyway, I'll be back reporting on Monday when all the debauchery has come to an end. Peace! x