Hmm...Britains Biggest Manwhore is back to spending time with Little Lindsay Lohan...interesting. Didn't he like, make out that she was desperate for his body before but he wasn't interested? Hmm...I'll have to do some historical research. Well, one way or the other, they are frolicking in the Bahamas flashing nipples here and nipples there like there is no tomorrow. I have to say, I don't hate this couple. He is definitely hot and as long as he isn't using her to up his profile I'm cool with it.
Speaking of random couples in terms of batting out of your fame league, I missed that Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycat Dolls is now with Talan from Laguna Beach!!! What the hell?? That kid had NO game on that show. Hmm. He must be doing something right now because that girl is hot hot hot! She is almost 29 though...isn't Talan a little young for her? Puzzling.

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